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in sahara, salt-hauling camel trains struggle on var bust; if (typeof bust == 'undefined') { bust = math.floor(1000000*math.random()); } if ((!document.images && navigator.useragent.indexof('mozilla/2.') >= 0) || navigator.useragent.indexof("webtv")>= 0) { document.write(''); document.write(''); } else { document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write(''); }   news home animal news ancient world environment news cultures news science & space news weird news in sahara, salt-hauling camel trains struggle on var bust; if (typeof bust == 'undefined') { bust = math.floor(1000000*math.random()); } if ((!document.images && navigator.useragent.indexof('mozilla/2.') >= 0) || navigator.useragent.indexof("webtv")>= 0) { document.write(''); document.write(''); } else { document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write(''); } chris rainierfor national geographic news may 28, 2003 view a sahara photo gallery by chris rainier: go>> since the middle ages, camel caravans have navigated north from the fabled city of timbuktu, in present-day mali, west africa, in search of the gold of the sahara desert—salt. email to a friend related explorer wade davis on vanishing cultures africa's imperiled rock art documented before it disappears traveling across the windswept sand dunes, caravans often numbering more than hundred have journeyed to the salt mines of taudenni, 500 miles (800 kilometers) north of timbuktu. a human necessity and source of commerce, salt has been in high demand in west africa since the 12th century when it was first found in the sand dunes of the desert. its discovery gave rise to a robust commodity trade that quickly paved a near-mythical trail connecting timbuktu with europe, southern africa, and persia. with the trade of taudenni's prized salt, came the ability to move people, information, and ideas across the sahara desert. during the 12th and 13th centuries, timbuktu became not only a center of great wealth but of islamic study. scholars from across the islamic world, some from as far away as persia, journeyed for months across the sands of the sahara in order to teach and study in the mysterious oasis of timbuktu. today, the great camel caravans of timbuktu still journey for 14 days and some 500 miles (800 kilometers) to the salt mines of taudenni. traveling in my capacity as a photographer for the national geographic cultures initiative, i recently journeyed with wade davis, national geographic society explorer-in-residence, across the sacred geography of the sahara, driving four-by-four land rovers to visit the ancient salt mines of taudenni. we were joined on our quest by alex chadwick, of national public radio's radio expeditions, and a film crew from the national geographic channel. "biblical" scene arriving at the salt mines, we encountered a working mine that appeared from out of the sandy haze of the desert, a mythical scene from the pages of the bible. the mine was cut out of an ancient seabed, an empty sandy region that stretches in every direction. several hundred men work the mines as indentured slaves, chipping way at the ground beneath the earth in musty, salt-choked caves. once the salt has been cut from the mine, slabs are loaded onto camel caravans. the caravans head south towards timbuktu, traveling nearly two weeks through featureless sand dunes that warp the mind's depth perceptions. what appears to be close is in fact on the horizon. what appears to be miles away, becomes a small rock that one discovers yards from where you stood. the sahara desert surrenders very few realities, only illusions. upon arrival in timbuktu, the salt is passed onto local merchants and distributed down river along the niger to the largest salt market in west africa: the river town of mopti. there the salt blocks are cut into smaller slabs then sold throughout west africa, a rich and scarce commodity charged with a mystique borne of the desert. spiritual journey continued on next page >> latest news videos video: magna carta sells for $21.3m video: whales dead from oil spill video: albatross fall for fish bait more videos in the news sources and related web sites aid to artisans cultures on the edge unesco world heritage cultural survival timbuktu heritage institute national geographic: djénné—west africa's eternal city 15 most popular news pages photos in the news news videos advertisement var bust; if (typeof bust == 'undefined') { bust = math.floor(1000000*math.random()); } if ((!document.images && navigator.useragent.indexof('mozilla/2.') >= 0) || navigator.useragent.indexof("webtv")>= 0) { document.write(''); document.write(''); } else { document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write(''); } latest photos in the news photo gallery: deerlike mammal was whale ancestor? photo gallery: new giant rat, pygmy possum discovered top ten photos of 2007 from national geographic news more photos in the news national geographic's photo of the day • today's photo • download as wallpaper news feeds       get our news delivered directly to your desktop—free. how to use xml or rss podcasts national geographic to go national geographic news, videos, and more download podcasts free newsletter sign up for our free inside national geographic newsletter. every two weeks we'll send you our top stories and photos (see sample). email the news staff contact other staff   advertisement var bust; if (typeof bust == 'undefined') { bust = math.floor(1000000*math.random()); } if ((!document.images && navigator.useragent.indexof('mozilla/2.') >= 0) || navigator.useragent.indexof("webtv")>= 0) { document.write(''); document.write(''); } else { document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write(''); } var bust; if (typeof bust == 'undefined') { bust = math.floor(1000000*math.random()); } if ((!document.images && navigator.useragent.indexof('mozilla/2.') >= 0) || navigator.useragent.indexof("webtv")>= 0) { document.write(''); document.write(''); } else { document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write(''); } var bust; if (typeof bust == 'undefined') { bust = math.floor(1000000*math.random()); } if ((!document.images && navigator.useragent.indexof('mozilla/2.') >= 0) || navigator.useragent.indexof("webtv")>= 0) { document.write(''); document.write(''); } else { document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write(''); document.write(''); }
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